cerebrale sinus câu
We're talking 200-300 boxes of sinus pills.Chúng ta sẽ phải kiếm 200 đến 300 hộp thuốc viêm xoang. It's gotta be a massive sinus hemor...

carotid sinus
Pauses up to 3 seconds during carotid sinus massage are considered to be within normal limits.Vô tâm thu trong vòng 3 giây khi xoa xoan...

cavernous sinus
A cavernous sinus thrombosis could cause absence seizures and memory loss.Tắc nghẽn xoang có thể gây động kinh vắng ý thức và mất trí n...

maxillary sinus
The main drainage for the maxillary sinus is via the maxillary ostium into the infundibulum, hiatus semilunaris, and then the middle me...

paranasal sinus
These symptoms may occur due to conditions other than cancer, and most people with these symptoms will not have paranasal sinus cancer....

sinus bradycardia
As the body core temperature decreases, sinus bradycardia tends to give way to atrial fibrillation followed by ventricular fibrillation...

sinus sphenoidalis
They are called cellulae ethmoidales and sinus sphenoidalis.Họ được gọi là ethmoidales cellulae và sphenoidalis xoang.

sphenoid sinus
The clivus is located behind the sphenoid sinus and provides support for the part of the brain known as the pons.Clivus nằm phía sau xo...